Community Outreach
Sharing the love of God to all ages and in many ways
From the overflow of the Relationship with God comes life. In our Outreach, we bring Life to our Community
This can take many forms: growing food and employing people on our farm, educating children in our nursery and primary school, a children's or prison ministry in town... here are the most important types of outreaches we do:
YWAM Hopeland Nursery and Primary School
We provide a safe learning environment for around 270 kids ages 3-15. They receive skills such as reading and English, 2 meals a day, and can run and play on our playground.
Hopeland Farm
Out of our 70 acres of property, 12 acres are arable farmland. We grow various fruits, vegetables and livestock. The food and earnings help run the base, and employ workers from the area.
Children's and Family Ministry in Slums
Once a week, our outreach team goes to local slums to minister to around 500-800 kids and parents a week: We serve simple snacks, play games, tell Bible stories, and sometimes give out clothes or food.
Homes of Hope
People end up on the streets for many reasons in Uganda, such as losing a job, medical emergencies or a sudden divorce. Homes of Hope finds especially vulnerable families in Jinja and builds a small house for them to live in with dignity.
Visiting Prisons and other closed places
We regularly visit institutions such as prisons, hospitals, or orphanages for disabled children. Though these places are all very different, they have in common that the residents aren't able to leave, and are disabled/restricted in different ways. We might play soccer, offer counseling, or share a story or part of the Gospel. Please note that we don't display a separate page or pictures about these ministries because taking pictures is prohibited in these places or because we wish to respect these people's privacy. If you want to know more about these ministries, please contact us directly.
Do you want to support one of our Outreaches? Donate to YWAM Hopeland!
You can send a general or specified contribution with a subject line of your choice