Grow your skills emotionally, spiritually and practically
YWAM Hopeland offers several kinds of Training for the Leaders of Tomorrow
All our programs are rooted in a foundation of discipleship: This means, whether the class is focusing on Bible study or on sewing skills, we believe that ``practical`` and ``spiritual`` growth go together. So, in each program, we share the Gospel and how a living relationship with Jesus changes our hearts from the inside out. And we also teach how that inside change becomes practical in daily life.
Grow deep in your Relationship with God: Discipleship Training School (DTS)
The DTS is a time to get to know God and learn to make him known: For 5 months, students learn about their identity, their purpose, God's deep love and desire for relationship, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit for our daily life with God. The first 3 months are spent in lectures, then we get practical in 2 months of outreach.
Deepen your Understanding of the Bible: School of Biblical Studies (SBS)
If you've completed a DTS, the SBS is a place to take your understanding of the Bible deeper: for one year, students go through all books of the Bible though in-depth Bible study and learn to apply it to teaching sermons, worship or other forms of church leadership.
If you love music, dance, drawing or other creative arts, this is the place for you: We offer creative classes, do outreaches, and also host a DTS and other discipleship classes with a special focus on arts.
Learn a Practical Skill in a Trade: Vocational Training School (VTS)
If you're a young person in Uganda who has not had the chance to complete secondary school, the VTS is a place for you: Within 1 year, we teach our students business skills and a practical trade such as construction, tailoring, or being a mechanic.