End Bible Poverty

God gave the School of Biblical Studies leader a vision of everyone living on the islands of Lake Victoria having their own Bible. There are over 1,000 islands in Lake Victoria. Many of these islands take one or more days to travel to, with very sketchy boats in unpredictable weather conditions. Together with other YWAM Hope Land staff, SBS students, and visiting teams, they have been able to minister to and distribute Bibles on more than 30 islands. So far they have shared the gospel with more than 1,000,000 people, but they still have many more islands to reach.

End Bible Poverty

At every church, they extend an invitation to attend an inductive Bible study seminar shortly after distributing Bibles. The local people are taught how to study the Bible contextually, inductively, and for themselves. They are also introduced to beginning discipleship through small reading and listening groups. The goal is for every household to receive their own Bible in their mother tongue. There are three main languages across the Islands, and all three have complete Bible translations; praise God!
Right now the team is committed to take a week-long trip every month to a new island, or to new places within Uganda. However, as resources and manpower allows, it would be more effective to take two trips per month, since there are still so many unreached places.

Please Pray with Us:

More resources- it is expensive to buy complete Bibles in Uganda; also traveling by boat has its own costs as well. We would love to see many more resources provided, including Bibles, listening devices, SD cards, a 4×4 vehicle for the base, and even a reliable boat to transport teams to the islands.
More teams - the more teams that come, the more Bibles that can be distributed, the more we can initiate people's journey into engaging with scriptures on a daily basis.
The people on the islands will have soft hearts - many people on these islands have run from something in their past; the prayer is that they would know they are fully forgiven and accepting God’s redeeming love for their lives.

If you would like to support this initiative with a financial donation, or for more information, please Contact Us